The impact of agricultural management on soil aggregation and carbon storage is regulated by climate. Digging deeper Dataset.

  1. Edlinger, Anna
  2. Garland, Gina
  3. Banerjee, Samiran
  4. Degrune, Florine
  5. García-Palacios, Pablo
  6. Herzog, Chantal
  7. Sánchez-Pescador, David
  8. Romdhane, Sana
  9. Ryo, Masahiro
  10. Saghai, Aurelien
  11. Hallin, Sara 1
  12. Maestre, Fernando T.
  13. Philippot, Laurent
  14. Rillig, Matthias
  15. van der Heijden, Marcel
  1. 1 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

    Upsala, Suecia


Argitaratzaile: figshare

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Mota: Dataset

CC BY 4.0


Data on the relative proportion of different water stable soil aggregate sizes, mean weight diameter of soil aggregates, SOC, C stocks (based on min. equ. soil mass), soil management in croplands and neighboring non-cropped grassland sites across Europe (Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden)