La higiene corporal en el paciente crítico cardiológico

  1. Pérez Ortega, Silvia
  1. Adela Zabalegui Yarnoz Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 2024(e)ko martxoa-(a)k 18

  1. Mª Antonia Martínez Momblán Presidentea
  2. Víctor Manuel González Chordá Idazkaria
  3. Amalia Sillero Sillero Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 835743 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The increasing complexity of the critically ill cardiac patient, together with the need to ensure comfort and privacy, requires the evaluation of the physical and psychological impact of daily body hygiene. The first phase of this thesis is the analysis of the hemodynamic impact that hygiene has on these patients through an observational, longitudinal and prospective study of 242 consecutive hygiene procedures. In the second phase, it explores the emotional state by means of an ad hoc questionnaire of 30 items in 148 patients, analyzing the differences according to previous experience, sex and gender perspective. The main adverse event was hypertension. The results show that the procedure is safe, although it should be individualized; the nurse should decide the appropriate time for its performance, taking into account the patient's preferences. Training plans and protocols at institutions should be adapted to promote patient-centered care based on safety and quality of care.