¿Puede GPT4 identificar modelos mentales erróneos?

  1. Gallego-Durán, Francisco J.
  2. Compañ, Patricia
  3. Villagrá-Arnedo, Carlos-José
Actas de las Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI)
  1. Cruz Lemus, José Antonio (coord.)
  2. Dapena, Adriana (coord.)
  3. Paramá Gabia, José Ramón (coord.)

ISSN: 2531-0607

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 9

Pages: 25-33

Type: Article

More publications in: Actas de las Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI)


This paper explores the use of GPT4 to evaluate erroneous mental models in C++ programming students, comparing it with faculty evaluations. Despite the challenges of optimizing token consumption and minimizing costs, it was found that GPT4 tended to identify more erroneous models than the teaching staff. However, a deeper analysis indicated a significant match between GPT4 and faculty evaluations in several cases, suggesting its potential utility in this context. During the research, it was discovered that a specific error in the handling of responses led to incorrect interpretations by GPT4 due to inaccuracies in the input data. This finding highlights the importance of precision and detail in data preparation for AI analysis. Upon reviewing the discrepancies between GPT4 and the faculty evaluations, it was concluded that in about half of them, GPT4’s conclusions were more accurate. This demonstrates that GPT4 can be used to enhance the understanding and evaluation of students’ mental models by the teaching staff. It is concluded that GPT4 can be a valuable tool to assist in the evaluation of erroneous mental models in programming students, provided that the experiment design and data quality are carefully managed. This approach not only improves the efficiency of the evaluative process but also allows for a rethinking of the faculty’s own criteria, leveraging artificial intelligence to complement and enrich teaching and evaluation.

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