Assessing possible mutual orbit period change by shape deformation of Didymos after a kinetic impact in the NASA-led Double Asteroid Redirection Test

  1. Hirabayashi, M.
  2. Davis, A.B.
  3. Fahnestock, E.G.
  4. Richardson, D.C.
  5. Michel, P.
  6. Cheng, A.F.
  7. Rivkin, A.S.
  8. Scheeres, D.J.
  9. Chesley, S.R.
  10. Yu, Y.
  11. Naidu, S.P.
  12. Schwartz, S.R.
  13. Benner, L.A.M.
  14. Pravec, P.
  15. Stickle, A.M.
  16. Jutzi, M.
Advances in Space Research

ISSN: 1879-1948 0273-1177

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Alea: 63

Zenbakia: 8

Orrialdeak: 2515-2534

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1016/J.ASR.2018.12.041 GOOGLE SCHOLAR