Aglomeración empresarial y atracción de inversión extranjeraun análisis aplicado a la industria zapatera del Vinalopó

  1. Javier Martínez Falcó
  2. Bartolomé Marco Lajara
  3. Eduardo Sánchez García
  4. Luis Antonio Millan Tudela

Éditorial: Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 978-84-9717-829-7

Année de publication: 2024

Type: Livre


The aim of this book is to contrast whether the shoemaking industrial districts of the Spanish region of Vinalopó are still valid today, or whether, on the contrary, the shoemaking activity developed in these business clusters has lost relevance in favor of other economic activities. In addition, it is analyzed how these districts act as a pole of attraction for foreign investment. Based on the results, it is possible to affirm that the industrial shoemaking districts of Vinalopó identified in previous works are still relevant today. This implies that, two decades later, these territories maintain their productive specialization around the footwear industry, which is above the national average. Likewise, it is possible to affirm that 66.67% of foreign investment in the Spanish footwear industry resides in the Vinalopó region, confirming the importance of the territory as a pole of attraction for foreign investment.