Diseño y evaluación de un curso de formación continua en modelización

  1. I. Ferrando
  2. C. Segura
  3. M. Pla-Castells
Investigación en Educación Matemática XXI
  1. José M. Muñoz-Escolano (coord.)
  2. Alberto Arnal-Bailera (coord.)
  3. Pablo Beltrán-Pellicer (coord.)
  4. M. Luz Callejo (coord.)
  5. José Carrillo (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad Española de Investigación en Educación Matemática, SEIEM

ISBN: 978-84-16723-42-3

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 227-236

Congress: Sociedad Española de Investigación en Educación Matemática. Simposio (21. 2017. Zaragoza)

Type: Conference paper

Sustainable development goals


During the last years, the use of modelling as a teaching tool for mathematics has been promoted from different international organizations. However, so far, its effective application in classrooms is scarce, due to, in part, the poor modelling training of in-service teachers. The main objective of this work is to present the design of a training course in modelling aimed at teachers of Secondary School. The design of the course is based on the needs identified in previous works which will serve as a starting point to analyse the obtained results. The analysis performed will focus on identifying how participants’ perceptions regarding the teaching of mathematics have evolved through modelling and, in addition, this work will try to classify the tasks designed by the course’ participants.