Representaciones de la vejez en los largometrajes animados de Pixar Animation Studios

  1. Dra. Ingrid ZACIPA- INFANTE 1
  2. Dra. Victoria TUR-VIÑES 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alicante, España
Fonseca, Journal of Communication

ISSN: 2172-9077

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 28

Pages: 231-249

Type: Article

More publications in: Fonseca, Journal of Communication


The characters, roles, and emotions portrayed by older people in Pixar Animation Studios films are studied. The methodological approach is qualitative-quantitative. The Nielsen and IMDb databases are used to gather evidence of public preferences through box office receipts and number of searches. This study is complemented by the content analysis of the 10 Pixar films, with older characters, produced between 1995 and 2023. The indicators addressed are number and type of characters, role, context, prevalent emotion, narrative stage and life lesson. The results reveal the presence of senior adults in 37% of Pixar's productions with recurrence in recent ones. The persistence of certain negative stereotypes associated with old age is confirmed, although the diversity of roles and the emergence of the role of the professional old woman stands out. Anger predominates at the beginning of the plot, which evolves towards a marked willingness for positive change, if in the environment they find listening and respect for their experience, aspects that lead to the discovery of characters rich in nuances and enormous vitality.

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