Effect of Mesoporous Catalysts on the Mainstream Tobacco Smoke of 3R4F and 1R5F Reference Cigarettes

  1. Marcilla Gomis, Antonio
  2. Beltrán, Maribel
  3. Gómez-Siurana, Amparo
  4. Martínez Castellanos, Isabel
  5. Berenguer Muñoz, Deseada
American Journal of Chemical Engineering

ISSN: 2330-8605

Ano de publicación: 2015

Volume: 3

Número: 1

Páxinas: 1

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.11648/J.AJCHE.20150301.11 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: American Journal of Chemical Engineering


The effect of three synthesised mesoporous catalysts (a SBA-15 and two MCM-41) on the smoke of two reference tobaccos (1R5F and 3R4F) has been studied. Mixtures of the catalysts and each tobacco were smoked under the ISO 3388 standard conditions. The gaseous compounds and the particulate matter condensed in the filter tip (TPM-F) and in a trap located downstream (TPM-T) from the mainstream smoke were analysed separately. The results obtained show that these catalysts directly mixed with tobacco are capable of reducing the yield of most of the compounds studied in the mainstream tobacco smoke. SBA-15 is a better additive for reducing the amount of the compounds analysed in 1R5F and 3R4F tobaccos, both in the liquid fraction (TPM-F and TPM-T) and in the gas fraction. The effect of the studied catalysts is higher on the full-flavour cigarette than on the ultra-low one. As an example, the reductions observed for CO and nicotine in TPM-T from 3R4F as a consequence of the SBA-15 addition were 46% and 77%, respectively. Thus, although the three checked materials are able to provide noticeable reductions, the best is the one having the higher size of pores (SBA-15).