Single-peaked preferences with several commodities

  1. Amorós González, Pablo
Working papers = Documentos de trabajo: Serie AD

Año de publicación: 1998

Número: 23

Tipo: Documento de Trabajo


We consider the problem of allocating m(m>=2) infinitely divisible commodities among agents with single-peaked preferences. In the two-agents case any strategy-proof and efficient solution is dictatorial. First, we propose a solution that, in the two-agents case, is the only one that satisfies strategy-proofness, no-envy and a weak requirement related to efficiency. Moreover, it is implementable in dominant strategies and satisfies consistency properties. Second, we propose an extension of the Mas-Colells Walrasian equilibrium with slack to characterize the efficient allocations.This new solution allow us to associate with each efficient allocation an income redistribution necessary to obtain it. We prove that the original solution proposed by Mas-Colell is the efficient selection which requires an income redistribution with smallest range, and that it satisfies consistency properties.