Cambio climático y las ciudades e infraestructuras de construcción

  1. Carmen Andrade Perdrix
  2. Pedro Garcés Terradillos
  3. Pedro Castro-Borges
  4. Patricia Martínez Ramírez
Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 0210-0223

Any de publicació: 2024

Títol de l'exemplar: El reto de las políticas medioambientales

Número: 269-270

Pàgines: 77-93

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales


The housing change in the 20th century has been very profound due to the massive migration from the countryside to the cities, which has led to massive new construction and to the creation of transportation and service supply infrastructures impossible to compare to those of previous centuries. The entire asset has been made possible thanks to the massive use of materials such as cement and steel, with a high environmental impact due to the large emission of greenhouse gases throughout their production. In addition, these infrastructures need continuous maintenance to avoid premature aging, which entails expenses for their repair, that in some countries are greater than the investment in new constructions, which is aggravated by the evidence that increasing temperatures cause extreme climate events that affect directly to the safety of the entire built infrastructure. This paper outlines some situations and describes some of the initiatives that specialized organizations are undertaking to warn about the future service life of building asset.

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