Vinculación de la creatividad y los pensamientos automáticos perfeccionistas en maestros en formación

  1. María del Pilar Aparicio Flores 1
  2. Aitana Fernández-Sogorb 1
  3. Rosa Pilar Esteve Faubel 1
  4. Carolina Gonzálvez 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


Aula abierta

ISSN: 0210-2773

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: Investigando prácticas educativas: perspectivas desde distintos enfoques

Volume: 53

Issue: 1

Pages: 55-62

Type: Article

More publications in: Aula abierta


The study of creativity has been increasing, considering the benefits it brings to education both in terms of students and teachers. However, creativity involves not only motivational aspects, but also cognition and emotion. For this reason, it is important to contemplate this kind of aspects in future teachers. In this sense, after the observed high prevalence of perfectionistic automatic thoughts (PAT) in future teachers, associated with maladaptive variables, it is considered necessary to observe the link between creativity and PAT. For this, with a sample of 788 future kindergarten and elementary school teachers was used (M = 20.49; SD = 1.78), in which a greater proportion of girls with high PAT were observed positive and significant correlations between PAT and creativity, as well as differences in all creati-vity factors, except for the scientific-mechanical, scoring higher on creativity (d = between .20 and .36). PAT predictive capacity was also found as creativity increases. In conclusion, taking into account the limited literature and controversy regarding studies in this regard, it is considered to continue investigating the relationship between these variables. Keywords: The study of creativity has been increasing, considering the benefits it brings to education both in terms of students and teachers. However, creativity involves not only motivational aspects, but also cognition and emotion. For this reason, it is important to contemplate this kind of aspects in future teachers. In this sense, after the observed high prevalence of perfectionistic automatic thoughts (PAT) in future teachers, associated with maladaptive variables, it is considered necessary to observe the link between creativity and PAT. For this, with a sample of 788 future kindergarten and elementary school teachers was used (M = 20.49; SD = 1.78), in which a greater proportion of girls with high PAT were observed positive and significant correlations between PAT and creativity, as well as differences in all creati-vity factors, except for the scientific-mechanical, scoring higher on creativity (d = between .20 and .36). PAT predictive capacity was also found as creativity increases. In conclusion, taking into account the limited literature and controversy regarding studies in this regard, it is considered to continue investigating the relationship between these variables.

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