Knowledge Management and its impact on Social Performance in Solidarity OrganizationsThe role of Absorptive Capacity and Organizational Learning

  1. Silva, Ana Milena 1
  2. Santa, Ricardo 2
  3. Fajardo, Mercedes 3
  4. Cruz, Martha 3
  5. Estrada, Magda 4
  6. Ferreira, Duarcides 5
  7. Gómez, Daniel 6
  1. 1 Universidad  Internacional de la Rioja 
  2. 2 CESA Bogotá, Colombia
  3. 3 ICESI University, Cali, Colombia 
  4. 4 Administrative Unit of Solidarity Organizations
  5. 5 Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas
  6. 6 Pontifical Javeriana University, Bogota Colombia y Alianza AMBI en España 
CIRIEC - España. Revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa

ISSN: 0213-8093

Argitalpen urtea: 2024

Zenbakia: 110

Orrialdeak: 291-319

Mota: Artikulua


Beste argitalpen batzuk: CIRIEC - España. Revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa


The existing literature presents limited evidence of research on knowledge management in organizations within the  organizations that are part of the social and solidarity economy. Thus, this study aims to examine the impact of knowledge transfer on absorptive capacity and organizational learning and, consequently, on the social performance of organizations within the social and solidarity economy of Colombia.This study utilizes structural equation modeling to analyze the hypothesized relationships, employing a custom survey of managers and associates based on a literature review conducted among 347 members.The findings indicate that the influence of knowledge transfer on organizational performance in the social sphere is insignificant. This result underscores the need for organizations to develop absorption capacities and adequate organizational learning strategies, which are crucial for survival and integral growth, thus strengthening the doctrine that nourishes this type of companies.This paper contributes to theory and practice in social and solidarity economy organizations by expanding current knowledge on social performance, focusing on knowledge transfer, absorptive capacity and organizational learning. Furthermore, it adds to the body of knowledge by highlighting regional specificities that could hinder the competitiveness of companies and by presenting a quantitative methodology little used for these topics, which allows inferences about the cluster of companies in a country.

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