La responsabilidad civil en la conducción de vehículos autónomos o semiautónomos y su aseguramiento
Universitat d'Alacant
ISSN: 0210-0444
Year of publication: 2024
Year: 100
Issue: 801
Pages: 59-102
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario
The significant development that artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone in recent years and its incorporation into motor vehicles is currently generating real legal, but also moral, challenges for our society. Thus, factors such as the potentially harmful nature of these vehicles, the lack of safety they transmit due to the current state of the art and the absence of a guaranteeing regulation on the homologation of AI systems, make it necessary to analyze whether the current regulations are capable of resolving new situations that may arise. Indeed, the driver of a vehicle can become a mere occupant, as the vehicle will drive itself thanks to the AI. In addition, this study is even more relevant in those cases in which damage is caused as a consequence of the circulation of a vehicle equipped with AI, since it is vital to establish the way in which the victim is to be compensated, as well as the legal regime of the insurance of the civil liability derived from the accident. In this regard, we will have to examine the recent legislative proposals coming from the European institutions and, in particular, the of 20 October 2020 with ecommendations to the Commission on a civil liability regime for artificial intelligence.
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