La invisibilidad de las mujeres gitanas víctimas de violencia de género

  1. Abdedaim Herrera, Omar
e-Eguzkilore.: Zientzia Kriminologikoen Aldizkari Elektronikoa = Revista electrónica de Ciencias Criminológicas

ISSN: 2530-1969

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 9

Type: Article

More publications in: e-Eguzkilore.: Zientzia Kriminologikoen Aldizkari Elektronikoa = Revista electrónica de Ciencias Criminológicas


The present research addresses domestic violence in gypsy women. The focus has been placed on the Roma community, due to its lack of visibility in the criminological and social panorama makes it a social group that has been under-researched. The main objective of the study is to explore domestic violence in these women using a quantitative research model focused on descriptive aspects. It has been carried out through two surveys addressed to professionals who intervene with Romani women after being abused (n=101) from practically all over Spain. Among the main results obtained, it has been identified that the victims are generally: women with low levels of education with children who show lack of recognition as victims, as they consider sexist violence as a private, taboo or forbidden aspect to talk about. Likewise, the most frequent types of violence dealt with by professionals are psychological and physical. It is deduced that the dark figure in these cases is due to reasons such as the lack of reporting by the victims (the interviewees state that, from their experience working in violent situations with this population, the Roma women suffer more and report less frequently than those who do not belong to the ethnic group. This is due to various reasons such as: their aggressor or the consequences it may entail for the community. Consequently, more than half of the participants have taken the initiative to report the situation of violence. On the other hand, the sample highlights the generalized lack of knowledge of the services available for battered women. On the basis of all the above, a series of recommendations for intervention with the victims of this group is proposed

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