Exposición de menores a la publicidad móvil

  1. Beatriz Feijoo
  2. Erika Fernández-Gómez
  3. Jesús Segarra-Saavedra
Cuadernos del Audiovisual del Consejo Audiovisual de Andalucía

ISSN: 2952-6116 2952-6094

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: La indefensión de los menores ante la pornografía en Internet

Issue: 11

Pages: 129-142

Type: Article

DOI: 10.62269/CAVCAA.15 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Cuadernos del Audiovisual del Consejo Audiovisual de Andalucía


Attracted by the coverage and potential of the pairing of minors and mobile telephony, commercial communication has become an ally, generating a debate on the ethics and responsibility of companies, but also of educational centres, parents and other social groups, which we try to discover from a scientific perspective. This article analyses, from an age and gender perspective, the willingness to use telephones and the exposure and attitude towards advertising received by minors from mobile devices. For this purpose, 1070 online surveys were conducted among children aged 10 and 14 living in Spain. We detected the possession, especially by minors, of mobile phones as opposed to other devices such as tablets, laptops and desktops. They are mainly exposed to games, WhatsApp and YouTube and, except for WhatsApp and Netflix, they tend to receive advertising on other platforms. These are commercial messages that they tend to ignore, a rejection that increases with the age of the respondents. And when they receive advertising on their mobile phones, it generates apathy, disinterest, boredom and saturation, regardless of gender. In this sense, it calls for advertising to be more interactive with minors in order to improve their perception and attitude.

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