Conflictos en la gestión del uso turísticoSistema de indicadores para medir la turistificación a través de las iniciativas ciudadanas y demandas locales. Un estudio comparado de ciudades portuarias del arco mediterráneo español

  1. Chamizo Nieto, Francisco José
  1. Nuria Nebot Gómez de Salazar Zuzendaria
  2. Carlos Jesús Rosa Jiménez Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Málaga

Fecha de defensa: 2023(e)ko urria-(a)k 06

  1. Pablo Martí Ciriquián Presidentea
  2. Federico Benjamín Galacho Jiménez Idazkaria
  3. Ana María Tavares Ferreira Martins Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 823594 DIALNET lock_openRIUMA editor


Urban tourism has modified residential and commercial use in cities to meet tourist demands in the last decade (Vollmer, 2019). This has led to the displacement of residents from those neighbourhoods under tourism intensification, what is known as `tourism gentrification¿ (Gotham, 2005). This phenomenon creates a strong controversy between locals and tourists of the main tourist destinations, especially in the old town where the most sightseeing points are located (Calle Vaquero, 2019). As a result, protest and resistance movements have emerged for the right to the city (Colomb & Novy, 2017). In this context, the eruption of peer-to-peer platforms such as Airbnb has been decisive in the loss of habitability in cities, due to it reduces the long-term rental market (Brossat, 2019). Numerous studies have analysed the spatial dimension of short-term rental as a topical issue, together with other contextual factors (e.g., Gutiérrez et al., 2017; Jiang et al., 2022): regulated tourist accommodation (e.g., hotels), cultural and leisure offer (e.g., monuments and museums), catering trade, nightlife (e.g., bars and pubs), and souvenir shops. Furthermore, the spatial analysis of the Airbnb offer has been conducted including other socio-demographic and economic explanatory variables related to population registration and demographic change, housing, rental price, revenue and rent gap (e.g., Shabrina & Arcaute, 2022; Wachsmuth & Weisler, 2018). Nevertheless, most studies analyse quantitative variables based on tourist attractions and very few define a mixed indicator system considering also qualitative descriptors (e.g., Encalada-Abarca et al., 2022). Among them, the qualitative ones have completed the approach to the knowledge of touristification in cities through mapping (e.g., Garcia-Ayllon, 2018). A better understanding of the tourism gentrification phenomenon from a holistic perspective would provide the basis for local administration to develop urban policies to address overtourism. Therefore, the main purpose of this doctoral thesis was to deepen spatial patterns in touristified cities by measuring the presence of citizen initiatives as novelty, along with tourism intensification and socio-demographic variables. The mixed indicator system was tested in the main tourist destinations on the Spanish Mediterranean coast: Barcelona, Palma, Valencia, and Malaga. The four cities were selected for sharing the following features: low-cost aerial accessibility, cruise ship port and a significant cultural offer. The four municipalities have been analysed at neighbourhood or census section level. Data maps and statistical analyses were carried out to analyse and compare indicators. Besides this descriptive and analytical study, a strategy was defined against tourism gentrification by developing a context methodology to safeguard urban habitability as Intangible Cultural Heritage.