Spatial mnemonics for l2 vocabulary recall. Customized training for 21st century students
- Juan Carlos Tordera Yllescas Director/a
- María Luisa Carrió Pastor Directora
Universitat de defensa: Universitat Politècnica de València
Fecha de defensa: 29 de de juny de 2023
- Niall Robert Curry President/a
- Ricardo Casañ Pitarch Secretari
- María Estellés Arguedas Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
This thesis is aimed at promoting collaboration among L2 teachers, IT professionals, L2 students tackling 21st century technology, and the modern digitally minded public. Specifically, it seeks to provide practical solutions for efficient SL/FL/L2 vocabulary memorisation and engagement via the use of visuospatial mnemonics in immersive environments. Methodologically it counts on a collection of numerical data analysed statistically and by exploring a subjective perspective shared by the participants. The manuscript is a compendium of published papers that highlight different aspects of the thesis content. The author kept in mind a common question for quantitative studies which was if the experimental approach would demonstrate statistically significant results in comparison to control techniques while open-ended questions were the base for qualitative inquiries. In addition, surveys were used to obtain opinions in a standardized format. All the studies conducted both demonstrated the effectiveness of mnemonic spatialization in combination with AR, VR and within an explorative videogame, and collected valuable insights from individual participants. Supplementary research confirmed students' predilection for tailor-made courses and the need for didactic innovations.