Tratamiento conservador de las fracturas diafisarias de tibia en adultos

  1. Gracia Rodríguez, Indalecio
  2. Cebrián Gómez, Román
  3. Sanz Reig, Javier
Revista española de cirugía osteoarticular

ISSN: 0304-5056

Datum der Publikation: 1997

Ausgabe: 32

Nummer: 188

Seiten: 57-61

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista española de cirugía osteoarticular


The follow-up and final results of 148 diaphyseal tibial fractures (54 open and 94 closed) treated conservatively were reviewed. The most frequent causes were road traffic accident (58%) and casual falls (33%). We found predominantly spiroid fractures (26%), transverse fractures (22%) and oblicues fractures (22%). The most frequent location was the distal third of the diaphysis (48%). The average period of consolidation was 15 weeks. This was shorter in 6 cases (24%), normal in 88 (59%) and prolonged in 24 (16%). Pseudoarthrosis was present in 10 patients (7%). The results were satisfactory clinically in 84% of cases and radiologically in 88% of patients.