Modelo dehesaSimulación de la producción herbácea y de bellota

  1. Carlos Hernández Díaz-ambrona
  2. Juan Almoguera Millán
  3. Jaime Martínez Valderrama
Los sistemas forrajeros: entre la producción y el paisaje
  1. Arantza Aldezabal (coord.)
  2. Ana Aizpurua (coord.)
  3. Isabel Albizu Beitia (coord.)
  4. Amaya Ortiz Barredo (coord.)
  5. Sorkunde Mendarte Azcue (coord.)
  6. Roberto Ruiz (coord.)

Verlag: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos

ISBN: 978-84-611-9642-5

Datum der Publikation: 2007

Kongress: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos. Reunión Científica (46. 2007. Vitoria-Gasteiz)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


The dehesa (open oak parkland) is an ecosystem close to two million hectares in the IberianPeninsula. This agroforestry system is using to production Iberian pig feed with acorn. In thelast years different methods are being applied to determine the acorn production in field. Butalso, it interests to know the pasture production. The objective of modelling dehesa system is toknow the more suitable stocking rate for cattle, sheep and Iberian pig. The model computingdaily pasture production and the forage demand by a given stocking rate. The structure of themodel has considered getting to daily know the pasture and oak biomass. In the simulationprocess restrictions from air temperature and soil water availability are determining forproductivity. The model Dehesa has three submodels: (i) soil water; (ii) oak and (iii) pasture.The initial stocking rate is considered like an exogenous variable, although in function of theproduction of pasture and the production of acorn, the model gives back the real stocking ratemaintained with the own resources and the amount of hogs.