Poesía, imagen y vídeo en educación secundariaPosibilidades de los videopoemas

  1. Mirena D. Ivanova 1
  2. José Rovira-Collado 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05t8bcz72


ISSN: 2659-9996

Año de publicación: 2019

Número: 1

Páginas: 213-229

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: E-SEDLL


In the new dynamics of Internet participation, the importance of image and video has become a central space for participation. This boom of the audiovisual format offers us new didactic possibilities for Literary Education becoming a tool to introduce authors and literary genres in the classroom. From the more generalist Youtubers, the Social Reading (Cordón & Gómez, 2013) takes us to the Booktubers, literary reviews in audiovisual format, which allow us to know the opinion about their reading of the voice of the youngest (Rovira-Collado, 2016). We also have the Booktrailers, public virtual epitexts (Lluch, Tabernero & Calvo, 2015) that use cinematographic techniques to promote the book. There are also other proposals, such as the Videolit (Hurtado, 2012), where we find a direct relationship between the literary text and the video through different techniques of adaptation to the audiovisual format. In this study, we focus on a specific format that combines the power of the audiovisual image with the artistic and emotional richness of the poetic text. With direct backgrounds such as the Videoclip, these videos present a poetic text, both of a classic author and of a novel or one created specifically for this medium, through the cinematographic language. The poetic figures are mixed with visual metaphors, the recitation of the poem and appropriate music for each text, creating a new genre, whose medium of dissemination is the Internet, called “Videopoetry”. We start with a selection of 40 videopoems to identify the characteristics of this poetic-audiovisual genre and compare them with other audiovisual formats related to the reading promotion (Tabernero, 2016). The following is a specific comparison between two types of videopoems: adaptations of canonical texts such as Miguel Hernández’s against current proposals created specifically for this medium by authors who have a great impact on social networks. Those authors maintain a constant activity that it allows them to reach number one in sales, such as Marwan (Ivanova, 2017). Then we will make a didactic proposal to take this genre to the Secondary Education classroom, as a means to bring poetry to our students. For this we start from a series of selected examples of video poems already created and uploaded to the platforms of social networks, analyzing in this way the reception process that they may have in the classroom. Later, we will propose that they themselves make a videopoem, in this way we will analyze the creation process they carry out

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