Estudio comparativo de las actuaciones de los profesores ante situaciones que alteran la convivencia escolarel caso de Querétaro (México) y Alicante (España)

  1. Ochoa Cervantes, Azucena
  2. Peiró Gregori, Salvador
Revista electrónica interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado

ISSN: 1575-0965

Année de publication: 2010

Titre de la publication: La profesión docente: Escenarios, perfiles y tendencias // The teaching profession: scenarios, profiles and tendencies

Volumen: 13

Número: 4

Pages: 113-122

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista electrónica interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado


In recent years there has been increased concern about the environment of peaceful coexistence at schools. In line with this concern we conducted a comparative study between Mexico and Spain. This study aims to explore the performance of teachers in primary, secondary and high school situations which disrupt school coexistence. To achieve this objective we used a 27-item questionnaire. The data obtained were processed with software created by a member of the research team, Peiró (2000, Universidad de Alicante). The results show that teachers' performance in both groups are limited to be able handle situations that may cause incivility.

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