.Investigación en docencia y transferencia de experiencias espaciales y narrativas inclusivas en Arquitectura

  1. Ana Gilsanz-Díaz
  2. María-Elia Gutiérrez-Mozo
  3. José Parra-Martínez
Resignificación en el ámbito de género: Una apuesta por la información, comunicación y educación responsable
  1. Rosa María Torres Valdés (coord.)
  2. Laura Arce Chaves (coord.)
  3. Ángel Rodríguez Bravo (coord.)
  4. Norminanda Montoya Vilar (coord.)
  5. Monroy García, Francisca Angelica (coord.)
  6. Santillán Campos, Francisco (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación Científica para la Evaluación y Medición de los Valores Humanos (AEVA) ; Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones para el Desarrollo Docente (CENID)

ISBN: 978-607-8830-28-2 978-84-09-52246-0

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 287-295

Type: Book chapter


This essay is a reflection about the necessary implementation of the analysis and actionframework facilitated by gender perspectives in the teaching of architecture in the contextof the University of Alicante and, more specifically, in the area of Arch itectural Theory (afield of knowledge that studies and produces history and theories of architecture). We putforth a series of contemporary and open interpretations of works, places and projects in therecent history from the values provided by their f eminist reading, that is, from moresensitive approaches towards the plurality of ways of being in the world. In our case, theconception of a new program for the theory and history of modern architecture module,based on projects that explore more inclusi ve experiences of the space, has allowed us, onthe one hand, to bring students closer to understanding the diversity and complexity of thebuilt environment and its imageries; and on the other hand, to enhance their creativity and critical spirit. The confluence of feminist pedagogies and design culture, as well as the linksbetween research and teaching have brought about, as a transfer result, the first guide tomainstreaming gender perspective in the teaching of architecture in Spain.