Datos de alimentación de ofidios en el levante sur ibérico

  1. Vericad Coromina, Juan Ramón
  2. Escarré Esteve, Antoni
Mediterránea: Serie de estudios sobre biología terrestre mediterránea

ISSN: 0210-5004

Year of publication: 1976

Issue: 1

Pages: 3-32

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/MDTRRA1976.1.01 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

More publications in: Mediterránea: Serie de estudios sobre biología terrestre mediterránea


The trophic spectrum of five of the eight species of snakes occurring in the south east of Spain are studied here (C. hippocrepis, C. girondica, E. scalaris, M. monspessulanus and N. maura). The other three species studied slightly are, N. natrix, M. cucullatus and V. latasti. C. hippocrepis and E. scalaris are species basically homeotermophagous, C. girondica is near exclusively sauriophagous, N. maura shows a diet based mainly on amphibious but including as well fishes, arthropods and other invertebrates, and M. monspessulanus feeds itself with homeo and poiquilotermous in equal terms. The value of the trophic diversity per specie varies between 2.2 and 2.5 in C. hippocrepis, C. girondica, E. scalaris and N. maura and its value is 3.5 in M. monspessulanus the most euriphagous of the species. We compare our results with those obtained by Valverde (1967) and his hypothesis about the independence among the different microcommunities is discussed as well; With the data of dry weight it doesn't seem applicable such hypothesis towards herpetocenosis because snakes eat more than a 70 % of the biomass in the whole amphibious, ornitic and mammal taxocenosis. We suggest that the independence of each microcommunity of terrestrial vertebrates is an inverse function of group's antiquity.

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