Aguas vivas: Aprovisionamiento histórico de recursos hídricos mediante galerías con lumbreras en el entorno de la Fuente de la Pinilla (Fuente Álamo de Murcia-Mazarrón)

  1. Castejón Porcel, Gregorio 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


XXIX Jornadas de Patrimonio Cultural de la Región de Murcia: 3, 10, 17 y 24 de octubre de 2023
  1. Pedro Enrique Collado Espejo (dir. congr.)
  2. Juan García Sandoval (dir. congr.)
  3. Ángel Iniesta Sanmartín (dir. congr.)

Publisher: Tres Fronteras

ISBN: 978-84-7564-814-9

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 259-266

Congress: Jornadas de Patrimonio Cultural de la Región de Murcia (29. 2023. Murcia)

Type: Conference paper


In the west of the municipality of Fuente Álamo de Murcia is the place of Fuente de la Pinilla, place where a historicaluse of its surrounding water resources is discovered through two water galleries (qanats), whose first referencesdate from the beginnings of the 20th century and are linked to Francisco Vivancos Garcia. Infrastructures whosehistorical and architectural analysis certifies that they captured subalve waters from the river bed of the Fuentede la Pinilla and the river bed of the Las Palomas, transporting them through aqueducts and ditches, up to threereservoirs from which a considerable orchard was irrigated. Thus, they constitute a new and excellent example ofthese effective traditional methods of obtaining resources used in the different arid regions of the planet, a sampleof the rich, valuable and ancient culture of water developed and transmitted by its inhabitants.