Una mirada europea (y su reflejo en el ordenamiento español) a las iniciativas empresariales vinculadas al trabajo digno e inclusivoentre la voluntariedad y el reporte obligatorio

  1. Irene Bajo García 1
  1. 1 Universidad Alicante
Trabajo y derecho: nueva revista de actualidad y relaciones laborales

ISSN: 2386-8090 2386-8112

Année de publication: 2023

Número: 17

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Trabajo y derecho: nueva revista de actualidad y relaciones laborales


The EU expresses a growing interest in generating an innovative regulatory framework in terms of sustainable business management linked to decent and fair work. Specifically, regarding the responsibility that European companies, or those that operate in Europe, must assume in terms of due diligence in value chains, as well as relative to the information that companies place on the market in relation to the attention and activity that they develop in terms of sustainability, understanding this concept in a broad, environmental sense, but also labor and governance. This study analyzes this unsystematic and dispersed regulatory framework, grouping it into the two main concepts that characterize it, that is, the increase in business obligations in terms of decent work, and more transparency in relation to working conditions. The whole set generates the effect of an extension of the classic protection provided by labor law, towards forms of provision of services outside its borders, and towards territories that exceed the limits of the European Union.