Nuevos datos sobre las arañas (Araneae) de la sierra de Aitana (Alicante, España)

  1. José Antonio Barrientos Alfageme
  2. Jesús Hernández Corral
Revista ibérica de aracnología

ISSN: 1576-9518

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Zenbakia: 40

Orrialdeak: 81-108

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista ibérica de aracnología


A sampling effort carried out in the municipality of Confrides, in the Aitana and La Serrella mountain ranges (Alicante), have produced 115 species, 109 genera and 27 families of spiders. A new species, Dysdera ferrandezi Barrientos & Hernández-Corral sp. n., is described; the female of Dysdera valentina Ribera, 2004 and the male of Cybaeodes dosaguas Ribera & De Mas, 2015 are described for the first time. The family Phrurolithidae, 21 genera and 49 species are new to Alicante province. Furthermore, 37 species are first records for the Comunidad Valenciana adminstrative region and two for the Iberian Peninsula. 13% of the species found are Iberian-Balearic endemics. The phenological data of the most abundant species are given and commented upon.