Factores relacionados con la prevalencia de Labio y Paladar Hendido en la población atendida en el Hospital Infantil "Los Ángeles". Municipio de Pasto (Colombia), 2003-2008

  1. Chavarriaga Rosero, Johanna
  2. González Caicedo, María Ximena
  3. Rocha Buelvas, Anderson Ivan
  4. Posada López, Adriana
  5. Agudelo-Suárez, Andrés Alonso
Revista CES Odontología

ISSN: 0120-971X

Année de publication: 2011

Volumen: 24

Número: 2

Pages: 33-41

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista CES Odontología


Introduction and Objetive: To determine the prevalence of oral clefts (lips and palatal) in patients attended in the �Los Angeles� Children�s Hospital in the city of Pasto (Colombia) and its related factors. Material and Methods: Cross sectional study with the information of 223 clinical charts of patients with oral clefts during the period between 2003-2008. Variables included: Sex, affected structures, age at the beginning of the treatment, socio-economical position, affi liation to the Social Security System, payment capacity. Univariate and bivariate analyses were conducted. An association between the higher probability of 2 affected structures and bilateral clinical manifestation according to different variables was estimated by means of Odds Ratio (OR) and the 95% confi dence interval (94%CI). Results: 66,4% of analyzed children began the treatment before one year of age. 95,1% of cases were patients in the two lowest socioeconomic levels and 69,5% of families did not have payment capacity. Males with subsidized social security were more likely to present bilateral clinical manifestations (OR 3,41 95%CI 1,13- 10,30), while females with no social security were more likely to present two affected structures (OR 3,09 95%CI 1,09- 8,79). Males from the Pacifi c Coast had a higer probability of presenting bilateral clinical manifestations (OR 4,61 95%CI 1,13-18,93). Discussion: Social factors infl uencing the prevalence of oral clefts were observed with a higher probability in certain groups. It is necessary to analyze factors such as the family background and other related factors that infl uence the prevalence of oral clefts.