Estrategias de composición del espacio visual en el álbum para la reflexión ecocrítica

  1. Martínez Carratalá, Francisco Antonio 1
  2. Rovira Collado, José 1
  3. Miras, Sebastián 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alicante, España
Pangeas: Revista Interdisciplinar de Ecocrítica

ISSN: 2695-5040

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 5

Pages: 29-44

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/PANGEAS.24665 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

More publications in: Pangeas: Revista Interdisciplinar de Ecocrítica


Reflection on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has become a key aspect in sociocultural discourse, challenging individuals to cultivate critical awareness about the prevailing economic model. These goals emphasize the need for change in issues related to the economy, social justice, and environmental development at various levels. Developing this awareness requires an examination of the impact of the current capitalist and neoliberal model of development and its historical implications, with a view to integrating the past to understand the present and progress towards a sustainable future. In this regard, picturebooks are crucial elements for socialization from the earliest stages of education and their semantic and semiotic features make them a type of multimodal text. This study aims to analyse a corpus of eight picture books that integrate time into the visual narrative through sequencing. Using a descriptive analysis methodology that incorporates semiotic analysis, this research demonstrates how using a photographic technique based on a static frame of the same space can foster reflection on the evolution of urban space over time. The analysis delves into the significance of incorporating narratives that reject an anthropocentric perspective to promote critical thinking about the meaning of sustainability in contemporary society and the need for mediation to facilitate discussions on these topics. Finally, the conclusion highlights that the selection of reading materials should not only delve into a specific SDG, but also the communicative implications arising from the rhetoric used in images through multimodal analysis.

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