Antónia Margarida de Castelo Branco (1652-1717)Una autora portuguesa olvidada y su extraordinaria "Fiel e verdadeyra relação"

  1. Partyka, Joanna 1
  1. 1 Academia Polaca de Ciencias
Las inéditas: voces femeninas más allá del silencio
  1. Romano, Yolanda (coord.)
  2. Velázquez García, Sara (coord.)

Éditorial: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca ; Universidad de Salamanca

ISBN: 978-84-9012-887-9

Année de publication: 2018

Pages: 353-360

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


A Portuguese, Antónia Margarida de Castelo Branco (1652-1717), already married renounced secular life and entered a convent. During her married life Antónia had to endure various types of mistreatment, domestic violence and abuse on the part of her husband, some of a truly ruthless and sadistic character. Finally, she decided to escape to the convent, where she was waiting for a divorce. Much of Antónia Margarida's work, written by order of her confessor, is dedicated to convent life, but at least five chapters focus on family matters. Antónia Margarida affirms in her autobiography, and repeats it several times, that all the humiliations imposed by the husband come from God, as a form of revelation of the Most High. Fiel eVerdadeyraRelação(Faithful and True Story) of Antónia Margarida de Castelo Branco has mystical autobiography characteristics. It was first published in 1984. The author is still practically unknown in her country, her detailed and interesting autobiography (more than 500 pages), has not been studied in other counties, since it had not been translated in other languages.