Opera co-creationfrom collaborative translation to artistic co-creation in audiovisual translation and accessibility

  1. 1 Universitat Autònoma Barcelona
Hikma: estudios de traducción = translation studies

ISSN: 1579-9794

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 21

Issue: 2

Pages: 41-63

Type: Article

More publications in: Hikma: estudios de traducción = translation studies


Research on collaborative translation has expanded in recent years, with a variety of terms such as community or volunteer translation being used to refer to these practices. This article focuses on the Traction project as an instance of artistic co-creation between professionals and non-professionals in opera, and it suggests that the Traction approach could be usefully utilised in the context of audiovisual translation and media accessibility. After an introduction to the challenges of 21st century opera and their quest for new audiences, the article discusses the concept of artistic co-creation. It also presents how opera co-creation is being assessed in Traction.The co-creation process and its evaluation are then related to translation and accessibility to propose artistic co-creation as a new approach to collaborative practices which can benefit both professionals and non-professionals.

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