Sociedad moderna, mercado y fraude democrático

  1. Arnau Espinosa, José Antonio
Disjuntiva: Crítica de les Ciències Socials

ISSN: 2659-7071

Ano de publicación: 2020

Volume: 1

Número: 1

Páxinas: 7-21

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.14198/DISJUNTIVA2020.1.1.1 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

Outras publicacións en: Disjuntiva: Crítica de les Ciències Socials

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


We address the internal consistency of the modern law phenomenon in order to highlight the possible and effective consequences of the essentially contradictory link between, on the one hand, modern society, given its mercantile character and, therefore, its capitalist structure, and, on the other hand, its own rationalising project (in its two modes: law and science). From the juridical-political perspective, these consequences appear as unavoidable systemic democratic fraud, and not from a material point of view, as it is often recognized (the socio-economic reality prevents the effective application of law, in the legal form, to some extent -according to what is believed- really established), but fraud above all at the formal level: what should be civil power is being systematically supplanted by a pseudo-civil power. An obvious sign of all this: our supposed laws, supposed constitutions, supposed system of separation of powers, supposed declarations of rights, supposed democracies, etc. The phenomenological perspective adopted, supported in the whole modern thought, especially by Kant and Marx, is showing its performance: it shows the own modern rationalising project as the true and inflexible self-critical pattern to which the modern society that has given it life, has no choice but to shun, if he doesn't want to perish at the hands of the socialist revolution.

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