La qüestió del gènere en la novel·la cavalleresca breu Pierres de Provençaun cavaller sense cavall?
- Cutillas Orgilés, Ernesto (coord.)
Publisher: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant
ISBN: 978-84-948233-2-9
Year of publication: 2018
Pages: 61-67
Congress: Universidad de Alicante. Jornadas de investigación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (7. 2017. Alicante)
Type: Conference paper
The novel Pierres de Provence has experienced an odyssey in many ways that have made it a very interesting subject to study, because the accumulated many questions about its genesis have not been until now properly dealt with (authorship, dating, sources, gender, etc.). As for the generic classification of the work, studies have moved between the labels of knightly sensu stricto and those of byzantine or sentimental, not to mention the relationship with hagiography. Finally, we have a two-way alternative to the above: those who prefer to speak of hybrid novel participating of the different ingredients mentioned above and those adhering to the concept of editorial gender. This paper aims to summarize the state of the art on the genre of this work, but highlighting that it’s a fictional short text, written in French in the fifteenth century, and these aspects have not always been considered at the time of placing it in a particular genre.