Inbound marketing in the hospitality industryA systematic review of the last 12 years

  1. Andrés Romero Montero 1
  2. Ricardo Sellers Rubio 1
  3. Adriana Cely Álvarez 2
  1. 1 Ricardo Sellers Rubio
  2. 2 Escuela Internacional de Administración Hotelera Vatel
Enlightening Tourism: a pathmaking journal

ISSN: 2174-548X

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Alea: 13

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 86-125

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Enlightening Tourism: a pathmaking journal


This paper aims to analyse and investigate the evolution of digital marketing tools and strategies used by inbound marketing in the main journals related to this term and topics linked to the hospitality industry. The results obtained show a progressive increase in the number of publications analysing inbound marketing tools in recent years (2010- 2021) and point to the construction of a paradigm based on a Marketing 5.0. A high rotation of topics has also been detected, describing a dynamic and fluctuating research field. It is recommended that more research be carried out on inbound marketing (as a strategic model of structured marketing) to allow for an integrative vision of technologies, which until now have been analysed without a definite link to the hotel business.

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