El diseño de eventos experienciales corporativos: el caso del Evento World Corporate Golf Challenge
- María Galmés Cerezo
- Carmen Cristófol Rodríguez
- Luis Estrada Fernández-Hontoria
ISSN: 1989-8681
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 14
Pages: 207-233
Type: Article
More publications in: Miguel Hernández Communication Journal
Corporate events are an excellent public relations tool both internally and ex-ternally and help to create experiences that link their audiences with the orga-nisations that promote them. In this re-search we analyse the case of the World Corporate Golf Challenge Tournament, considered one of the main amateur golf competitions in the world. Golf sporting events gained special promi-nence in the years prior to the pandemic because of their potential to offer relational experiences among corporate audiences (both customers and employees). Golf tour-naments have proven to be appropriate public relations events to promote meaningful experiences that build closeness and trust between participating companies and their stakeholders. This study takes the World Corporate Golf Challenge as a reference for an experiential corporate event, and the case study is carried out from the perspective of corporate experience design in its sensory, emotional, intellectual, relational and action dimensions
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