Contributions on 3D Human Computer-Interaction using Deep approaches

  1. Castro Vargas, John Alejandro
Dirigida por:
  1. José García Rodríguez Director
  2. Julián Alberto García García Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat d'Alacant / Universidad de Alicante

Fecha de defensa: 16 de marzo de 2023


Tipo: Tesis


There are many challenges facing society today, both socially and industrially. Whether it is to improve productivity in factories or with the intention of improving the quality of life of people in their homes, technological advances in robotics and computing have led to solutions to many problems in modern society. These areas are of great interest and are in constant development, especially in societies with a relatively ageing population. In this thesis, we address different challenges in which robotics, artificial intelligence and computer vision are used as tools to propose solutions oriented to home assistance. These tools can be organised into three main groups: “Grasping Challenges”, where we have addressed the problem of performing robot grasping in domestic environments; “Hand Interaction Challenges”, where we have addressed the detection of static and dynamic hand gestures, using approaches based on DeepLearning and GeometricLearning; and finally, “Human Behaviour Recognition”, where using a machine learning model based on hyperbolic geometry, we seek to group the actions that performed in a video sequence.