Humor, cultura y cómicstransgresiones en la traducción subordinada en el aula

  1. Paola Carrión González 1
  1. 1 Universitat d’Alacant, España
Quaderns: Revista de traducció

ISSN: 1138-5790

Année de publication: 2023

Titre de la publication: Afectes mutus i camins diversos. La traducció literària entre el català i el castellà

Número: 30

Pages: 215-230

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Quaderns: Revista de traducció


This short paper aims to analyse the importance of the cultural element during the translation process in a university teaching context, using as an example the translation of humour in a unique literary typology: the comic. Translating Ab Absurdo from French to Spanish, by the Belgian author Marc Dubuisson, will reveal the special features of this literary format, as well as the adaptive needs of the linguistic-cultural elements framed in a context of subordinate translation. In this case, classify these difficulties and parse the frequency of use in terms of translation techniques employed to solve them will shed light on the relevance of procedures closer to the interpretative-communicative method, to the detriment of a literality that moves away from the main objective of this text: the humour

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