¿Nos hacemos un/una selfie con la/el tablet? Cross-Linguistic Lexical Influence, Gender Assignment and Linguistic Policy in Spanish

  1. Javier Muñoz-Basols
  2. Danica Salazar
Revista signos: estudios de lingüística

ISSN: 0035-0451 0718-0934

Ano de publicación: 2019

Volume: 52

Número: 99

Páxinas: 77-108

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.4067/S0718-09342019000100077 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Revista signos: estudios de lingüística


Abstract: One of the immediate consequences of cross-linguistic lexical influence in languages that have an explicit gender system is the need to assign a gender to newly borrowed terms. In this paper, we analyze gender assignment in two recent technology-related borrowings in Spanish, ‘tablet’ and ‘selfie’, paying particular attention to the morphological, phonological and semantic factors that play a role in this process. We explain how these two words have been adopted and adapted by the Spanish language, and how various language institutions have attempted to establish policies to control or limit their use. In so doing, we demonstrate that sociolinguistic factors, such as the attitudes of Spanish language institutions vis-à-vis lexical borrowings from English, can contribute to understanding the phenomenon of the assignment of gender to Anglicisms in Spanish and their integration in the language.

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