Espacios rurales y evaluación de políticas públicasla transparencia 2.0 de los Grupos de Acción Local

  1. Concepción Foronda Robles
  2. Luis Galindo Pérez de Azpillaga
Treinta años de Política Agraria Común en España: Agricultura y multifuncionalidad en el contexto de la nueva ruralidad
  1. Ruiz Pulpón, Ángel Raúl (coord.)
  2. Serrano de la Cruz Santos-Olmo, Manuel Antonio (coord.)
  3. Plaza Tabasco, Julio (coord.)

Publisher: Óptima

ISBN: 978-84-87087-03-5

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 336-350

Congress: Coloquio de Geografía Rural (18. 2016. Ciudad Real)

Type: Conference paper


The access to information and the participation play a key role in territorial governance, and are regarded as vital for the sustainability of development processes. Access to information and participation depend largely on digital technologies and internet expansion. Both have been instrumental in the renewal and strengthening of citizens’ rights. In special, the largest active participation of citizens in land management, and the collaboration between government and society. Transparency has transformation from an operational aspect to become strategic one. It is related to corporate identity, with the presence of mechanisms for evaluation and verification of the actions. All are necessary in the future of the rural development. The goal of the paper is to analyze online transparency in the management of rural development, which considerate access to public information of the 264 Local Action Groups (LAG) in Spain. In a context, such as Spanish rural areas, where 23% of the population does not have access to high speed internet, and where these technologies could generate new forms of social exclusion. The methodology is composed of 9 indicators that analyze rural authorities in the side of on-line LAG relations with citizens and society. The results explain the low presence of the LAG in general information services, interaction, communication and participation through their websites and social networks.