Al-Ğunayd al-Baġdadī: Su contribución al desarrollo del pensamiento y la práctica sufíes

  1. Mourad Kacimi 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia / Universidad de Alicante
eHumanista: IVITRA

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Monográfico “Historia, relación e interdependencia cultural a lo largo del Mediterráneo árabe musulmán” / “History, relationship and cultural interdependence throughout the A

Issue: 18

Pages: 25-39

Type: Article


In the present work, we highlight the value of al-Ğunayd al-Baġdādī as an excellent sage among both Sunni and Sufi Muslim scholars. We highlight his ability as a scholar to delve into both jurisprudence and Sufi doctrine. We study his important work in the development of Sufi thought and practice under Sunni criteria. Based on his sayings and writings, we clarify his opinions on significant issues that arose in his time due to the influence of other currents of thought. Finally, we highlight his Sufi practices, which qualify him to bear the nicknames that carry the highest Sufi honour: šayḫ al-ṣufiyya and Imām Ahl al-ḫirqa.