Perspectiva de género y educación en los museos de arte españolesinvestigaciones y debates actuales

  1. Albero Verdú, Sofía Ángela
Aportaciones a la investigación sobre mujeres y género: V Congreso Universitario Internacional "Investigación y Género : Sevilla, 3 y 4 de julio de 2014
  1. Casado Mejía, Rosa (coord.)
  2. Flecha García, Consuelo (coord.)
  3. Guil Bozal, Ana (coord.)
  4. Padilla-Carmona, M. Teresa (coord.)
  5. Vázquez Bermúdez, Isabel (coord.)
  6. Martínez Torres, María del Rocío (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Sevilla : SIEMUS (Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de las Mujeres de la Univesidad de Sevilla), 2015

ISBN: 9788494312038

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Orrialdeak: 12-20

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


his text is part of my own thesis, which is about the field of art museum education in Spanish museums from a gender perspective. It constitutes a methodological tool to know the focus of interest in matters of education, museums and art related to gender, as well as possible lines of research. The article tries to summon the current highlights and the research models, in order to identify, detect, collect, present and reflect on what issues are being addressed today on the national scene. Moreover, it proposes to go into detail about debates like where is art museum education going, the need and the sense of incorporating critical gender perspectives in museums, and finally, the forms of gender perspective on research and museological practice.