El comentario de Broukhusius a Propercio IIIedición, traducción y estudio

  1. Vera Ros, Alicia
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Elena Gallego Moya Doktormutter
  2. Francisca Moya del Baño Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 10 von Oktober von 2022

Art: Dissertation


Our Thesis consists, as stated in the title, in the edition of the Commentary of the third book of the Elegies of Propertius made by Janus Broukhusius, a humanist of the second half of the 17th century and the first years of the 18th. The work, published in 1727, is an extension of the first edition of 1702. The great cultural heritage of Broukhusius, applied to the study of the elegy, poses a challenge for contemporary readers; we have undertaken this task trying to identify, locate and explain all the references to works, manuscripts and editions quoted by our scholar, in his eagerness to explain, in a rigorous and scientific way, one of the most difficult Latin poets to understand due to mythological erudition, condensed syntax and subtle sensitivity; all these difficulties are increased by the controversial textual transmission of the work of Propertius. Broukhusius's study lays the groundwork for contemporary textual criticism by insisting on rigorous identification of the manuscripts, earlier commentaries, and works he has used to determine the genuine text of Propertius. The profound knowledge of his Commentary provides a rich material to philologists; for this reason, we have considered it of special interest to bring it closer to current readers. We have translated the text, locating both the quotes from classic works and the references to later authors, who have either studied and commented on the elegiac, or have evoked it in their literary creation; all this information is provided in notes to the translation. The conclusions of our work strengthen the thesis that the work of Broukhusius is novel in its time for the defense of the Propertian text based on the testimonies of the conscientiously identified manuscripts; at the same time, he states guess work for the most controversial places of the same, that are they have been endorsed by the most distinguished and current scholars of the poet by assuming them in their editions. Our main objective was, therefore, to publicize the work of a humanist, who is a culminating point and who paves the way for later Philology; for this, we set out to place Broukhusius in his time; present previous editions and comments, even those published at the dawn of the printing press; edit the Commentary, which means adapting it to modern scientific standards; locate authors and works; likewise, it shows Broukhusius's office and how he uses it; show his concern for the text and the use of manuscripts and, especially, the contributions to the text of Propertius; highlight the best, or different, understanding of controversial passages or in which other scholars have not stopped too much; and, finally, put at the service of Philology a modern, complete edition, accompanied by a translation that is as correct and adequate as possible. Thus, we have followed the philological method consisting of these guidelines: - Reading of the pertinent bibliography. - Editing and translation of the text. - Location of old texts and editions used by the author. - Assessment of their criteria according to modern authors. - Elaboration of the bibliography, indices of quoted authors, contemporary lexicons to the author and current ones. - Classification of materials and statement of topics developed by the author. - Scientific commentary on these issues found in the work of the humanist. In our conclusions we give an account of the lessons defended by Broukhusius; we classify the multiple levels of study of your comment; we identify the manuscripts that support their conjectures; we explain the office or materials used; and we acknowledge the influence of the humanist on later criticism.