Guía práctica para la identificación de familias de PoliquetosKidness Polychaeta Guide

  1. Pilar Ruso, Yoana del coord.
  2. Giménez Casalduero, Francisca coord.
  3. José Antonio de la Ossa Carretero
  4. José Luis Sánchez Lizaso
  5. Alfonso A. Ramos Esplá

Publisher: Club Universitario

ISBN: 84-16113-10-6 978-84-15787-99-0

Year of publication: 2013

Type: Book


The main aim of this guide is to ease the identification of the most representative polychaete families sampled in the Spanish Mediterranean Coast and it is mainly addressed to technicians, new researchers and degree students. This guide is an initiation on polychaete taxonomy