El código emojide la interfaz frecuencia-función a la identidad discursiva digital
Universitat d'Alacant
ISSN: 1576-4737
Année de publication: 2023
Titre de la publication: Monográfico: Rasgos discursivos de la voz del autor en textos especializados
Número: 93
Pages: 243-257
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación
This paper has two main objectives. The first one is to examine the relationship between the frequency of emojis and their pragmatic and discursive functions. The second one is to investigate how the frequency of use and its relationship with the aforementioned variables (the meanings conveyed or expressed by them) can provide relevant information about the ‘digital discursive identity’ of users. The results of the statistical analysis indicate that an emoji is significantly more frequent if it represents a non-verbal element; is used to mitigate possible conflicts; expresses irony and humour; is repeatable; and can be used by both women and men (unisex). In relation to digital discursive identity, it is possible to point out that men and women indistinctly use those emojis that aim to mitigate possible conflicts, enhance commonality and ensure a polite, fun and pleasant atmosphere in the chats (a necessary condition). Men, however, unlike women, see part of their choices determined by other social reasons such as ‘masculine identity’. This factor could explain, on the one hand, a lesser use of emojis in general, perhaps due to a supposed attribution of this code to women; but, especially, it helps to understand the lack of those emojis (sadness, fear, plea, flowers, etc.) whose use could infer some kind of weakness, hypothetically related to a ‘feminine identity’.
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