Los críticos de Maastrichtdel «consenso permisivo» al euroescepticismo
Universitat d'Alacant
- Forner Muñoz, Salvador (coord.)
- Senante Berendes, Heidy-Cristina (coord.)
ISSN: 1579-8135
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: La Unión Europea: a los treinta años del tratado de Maastricht
Issue: 40
Pages: 49-70
Type: Article
More publications in: Historia del presente
The difficulties in approving the Maastricht Treaty are usually considered the first symptom of the inflection in the so-called «permissive consensus» which is supposed to have presided the European integration process since its origins in the 1950s. This article relativizes this vision. The critical positions towards integration before the Maastricht Treaty are analyzed, both from the point of view of public opinion in some of the Member States –especially France, Denmark and Great Britain– and with respect to the various political and trade union forces that, in the field of left and right, rejected it. With this approach, the article frames the difficulties in improving the Treaty, and the increase in critical positions towards the EU after its approval, in a historical continuum of Euro-criticism that reached its culminating moment in 2005 with the failed Constitutional Treaty.
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