El llamado síndrome de alienación parental y sus derivaciones
- Juan Gabriel de la Cruz
- Julio Antonio Guija
- María del Mar Pastor Bravo
ISSN: 0377-4732
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 48
Issue: 1
Pages: 22-29
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista española de medicina legal: órgano de la Asociación Nacional de Médicos Forenses
The denigration of one parent by the other would be one of the most damaging effects for the child in situations of family breakdown, although the so-called parental alienation syndrome (Gardner) as a supposed childhood mental disorder, has not obtained acceptance in psychiatric classifications nor the necessary validity and scientific support, so its use by mental health professionals, experts and lawyers should be avoided. Instead, one can use the diagnostic criteria contemplated by the international diagnostic psychiatric classifications that we describe. It is essential to establish the differential diagnosis based on the symptom of rejection of a parent, an issue that involves difficulty and may require the assistance of a multidisciplinary team to adequately evaluate all the evaluable aspects. Professionals must act with knowledge of the limits of their science, providing those data and conclusions that are legitimate and valid according to this premise.
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