Publicar en castellano, o en cualquier otro idioma que no sea inglés, negativo para el factor de impacto y citaciones.
- Franco-Lopez, Angeles
- Sanz-Valero, Javier
- Culebras, Jesús M
ISSN: 2529-850X
Argitalpen urtea: 2016
Alea: 1
Zenbakia: 2
Orrialdeak: 65-70
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Journal of Negative and No Positive Results: JONNPR
The number of citations of an article or its impact factor is greatly biased by the language in which it is written. Most of the journals included in the Web of Science (WOS) are in English. English written articles have much more penetration than articles in otherlanguages. There are three articles in the world literature that have been cited more than 100,000 times, all of them in English. In contrast, the most cited article in Spanish appeared only 561 times. There are 74 Spanish journals indexed in the web of Science, butonly four in the first quartile and five in the second quartile. For this reason, scientists are forced to publish in foreign journals. We should devise the system of electronic diffusion of scientific publications in the XXI century as a unique instrument, located in the web, to which articles are conducted. It would not be necessary to know through which journal each article is carried because with its identifying DOI articles can be traced. Impact factor has some drawbacks that shade its equity. The adequate way to evaluate articles would be through the number of times that are cited, being authors judged through their h index.
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
- Culebras-Fernández JM, García de Lorenzo A, Wanden-Berghe C, David Castiel L, Sanz-Valero J. ¡Cuidado!,
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- Ángeles Franco-López, Javier González-Gallego, Javier Sanz-Valero, María Jesús Tuñón, Abelardo García-De-
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- Ángeles Franco-López, Javier González-Gallego, Javier Sanz-Valero, María Jesús Tuñón, Abelardo García-De-
- Lorenzo y Jesús M. Culebras. Los diez artículos más citados de la revista “Nutrición Hospitalaria”. Nutr Hosp.
- ;32(6):2360-8. DOI:10.3305/nh.2015.32.6.9922
- Jesús Culebras Fernández. Utilidad y contemporaneidad de las referencias bibliográficas en los artículos
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