La WebQuest como recurso educativo de Ciencias Sociales en educación primariael castillo de Crevillente

  1. Pérez Castelló, Teresa D.
Formación de la ciudadanía: las TICs y los nuevos problemas
  1. Vera-Muñoz, María Isabel (coord.)
  2. Pérez Pérez, David (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación Universitaria de Profesores de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales (AUPDCS)

ISBN: 84-609-0328-1

Year of publication: 2004

Congress: Simposio Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales (15. 2004. Alicante)

Type: Conference paper


The present work talks about the elaboration of a short-term WebQuest for childrens of the 3rd Primary cycle, concerning to the Crevillent¿s historical-artistical heritage. Exactly the Castle of Crevillent has been the cultural element analized in this report. The Crevillent¿s Castle demolition started back in 1907. It will be a brief WebQuest carried out in 4 sessions with an interdisciplinar nature. 2 The WebQuest is an ¿ Orientated investigation activity ¿ that helps out in using the internet in class and it¿s based in the cooperative learning and also in the process of investigation to learn, wich can be single or in a group. The main educative objectives of our WebQuestm are the ones that follow: a) To use the New informative and communicative Technologies in class. b) To harmes the critical thoughts, creativity and the taking of own decisions in our pupils. c) To include aspects of historical legacy in children for them to understand. d) To learn and appreciate the Crevillent¿s Castle as basic elements of their own town, cultural and historical heritage.