Copper excess detoxification is mediated by a coordinated and complementary induction of glutathione, phytochelatins and metallothioneins in the green seaweed Ulva compressa

  1. Navarrete, A.
  2. González, A.
  3. Gómez, M.
  4. Contreras, R.A.
  5. Díaz, P.
  6. Lobos, G.
  7. Brown, M.T.
  8. Sáez, C.A.
  9. Moenne, A.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

ISSN: 0981-9428

Ano de publicación: 2019

Volume: 135

Páxinas: 423-431

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.1016/J.PLAPHY.2018.11.019 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable