Acerca de la recurrente invocación del orden público para sustentar la acción de anulación y de supuesta intangibilidad material del laudo que contraríe normas imperativasSentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia del País Vasco de 1 de junio de 2022

  1. Jesús Campo Candelas
La Ley. Mediación y arbitraje

ISSN: 2660-7808

Ano de publicación: 2022

Número: 13

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: La Ley. Mediación y arbitraje


The Superior Court of Justice of the Basque Country resolved in the judgment of 1 June 2022 one procedure for annulment of the arbitration award. The judicial decision dismissed a request for the annulment of an arbitration award on the grounds that it was not contrary to public order; the judgment contains an updated analysis of the setting aside arbitration award and it is in line with the new doctrine of the Constitutional Court which has limited the invocation of public policy as an appropriate ground for challenge the award. Furthermore, the judgment gives us the opportunity to reflect on the abuse of the invocation of public policy and the obiter dicta included in the judgment related to the possibility to review the imperative norms in arbitration.