Evaluación de la formación en metodología enfermera en el Hospital General Universitario de Alicanteactitudes, creencias y conocimientos de las enfermeras
- Manuela Domingo-Pozo 1
- Francisco Vicente Blanes-Compañ 2
- Miguel Ángel Fernández-Molina 3
- Francisco Javier Gómez Robles 4
- 1 Licenciada en Enfermería. Doctoranda de la Universidad de Alicante. Enfermería: Práctica y Educación. Enfermera responsable de la Unidad Planes de Cuidados HGUA
- 2 Adjunto de Enfermería HGUA
- 3 Doctor por la Universidad de Alicante. Director de Enfermería del HGUA
- 4 Licenciado en Enfermería. Doctorando de la Universidad de Alicante. Enfermería: Práctica y Educación. Enfermero interno residente en Enfermería Obstétrico-ginecológica del Complejo Hospitalario de Albacete
ISSN: 1697-638X
Year of publication: 2007
Volume: 4
Issue: 18
Type: Article
More publications in: Evidentia: Revista de enfermería basada en la evidencia
Objective: to Analyze the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of nurses in Hospital General Universitario de Alicante towards nursing process and implementation of standardized care plans. Method: Before-after intervention. Period of study: January 2005 to June 2005. Population to study = 87 nurses that carried out the training in nursing methodology. Sample: pretest N=84 postest N=83. The intervention was 20 hours of training. An initial evaluation survey with 15 variables (open and close items) was carried out, and a final evaluation with 12 variables. The surveys are elaborated ad hoc. A descriptive analysis was carried out using frequencies and percentages in the quantitative variables through the software SPSS 12.0. In the qualitative variables answer categories were created and content analysis was performed with the qualitative software NUDIST5.0. Findings and conclusions: as for the variables of knowledge 44,05% of the nurses knew which were the stages of the nursing process before the intervention, after the training 81,92% of the nurses answered correctly to the questions on the stages of the process. Before the training only 17,85% of the nurses had heard about the existence of international nursing classifications, after the training intervention 93,97% knew about and they understood the meaning and usefulness of the classifications. 69,04 % previous to the intervention affirmed not to work with care plans but after it, 86,75% of the same ones felt able to work with standardized care plans.